Thank you everyone who logged on for our virtual reading today! As promised here's an updated version of the resource list. And If you missed our reading or want to rewatch it, visit the
San Francisco Public Library's Youtube Channel. A big thank you to the library for inviting us to perform. Adrienne, Kira, Kelechi and Natalie are wonderful, smart, beautiful, strong, willing to be vulnerable, kind women. I thank them for being part of this reading.

For those asking about my Minding My Mental Health t-shirt, you can order that from
RN Brand & Design. The vendor, Rhachelle Nicol is also a mental health advocate and the shirt comes in a few colors.
Please take care of yourselves and each other. Call friends and family so you're not isolated and they're not isolated. And do not be ashamed if you're dealing with anxiety, depression, etc. You are human and times are tough! Create a support network with friends and loved ones to check on each other. Check on your elders. And please wear your mask! I know about 7 people with COVID-19. Wear your masks!
Resources are below and thanks again!
Let Her Tell It!
Black Women Healing Through Writing Resources
❖ Write This Second: A Poetic Memoir by Kira Allen
v Pleasure Activism by Adrienne Marie Brown
❖ Not Alone: Reflections on Faith and Depression by Monica Coleman
❖ Bipolar Faith by Monica Coleman
❖ Willow Weep for Me: A Black Woman’s Journey Through Depression
by Meri Nana-Ama Danquah
❖ Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome by Dr. Joy DeGruy
❖ Writing as a Way of Healing: How Telling Our Stories Transforms Our Lives
by Louise DeSalvo
❖ Sisters of the Yam by bell hooks
❖ Welcome to my Breakdown by Benilde Little
❖ The Mother of Black Hollywood by Jenifer Lewis
❖ The Body is Not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor
❖ In the Spirit or Lessons in Living both books by Susan L. Taylor
❖ We’ve Been Too Patient: Voices from Radical Mental Health Stories
editors L.D. Green and Kelechi Ubozoh
❖ A Fierce Heart: Finding Strength, Courage and Wisdom in Any Moment
by Spring Washam
❖ Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We’re Not Hurting by Terrie Williams
❖ Undoing Crazy by Colette Winlock
❖ Wellness Recovery Action Plan or WRAP
Websites and Podcasts
❖ or listen on iTunes (podcast hosted by Jeneé
❖ (podcast and web)
❖ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin
❖ (web and podcast)
Therapy and Wellness Sources
❖ Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) low cost, self-help program at Utah State
❖ Conscious Voices: African American Well-Being Center, Oakland, 510-500-3412
❖ Health and Human Resource Education Center,, Oakland (510) 834 - 5990
(Ask about their affordable Be Still Retreat for Black women)
❖, Oakland, 510-595-5598 (They host local and affordable retreats)
❖ Rafiki Coalition for Health and Wellness, San Francisco, 415-615-9945
❖ Sankofa Holistic Counseling Services, Oakland 510-433-0244
❖ has a national therapist directory
❖ I Am Light by India.Arie
❖ Gina Breedlove albums and look into her sound healing therapy when she’s in the Bay
v DJ D-Nice on Instagram (if you need to dance and listen to music that makes you feel good)
❖ Meditations for Healing and Renewal by Destiny Muhammad and Rev. Liza Rankow
❖ Jamila Woods: Blk Girl Soldier & Holy (Both songs are awesome! Listen to NPR Tiny
Desk, featuring "Giovanni" performance for extra flavor)
Film and Videos
❖ The S-Word-- documentary on suicide-attempt survivors
❖ Shine-- documentary on East Bay Youth finding hope after surviving trauma
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