Soooooo, how did I miss one of the coolest conferences, you ask? Have you heard of Nicole Daedone? She’s the founder of the company One Taste, which “offers training in orgasm, sex and man-woman relating through coaching and courses. She also brought this practice of OM or Orgasmic Meditation to the mainstream.
Watch her Ted Talk to see how she got into this practice:
One Taste hosted an orgasm conference right in Oakland and I found out about it the day before from an eblast! I had plans that weekend and couldn’t get to it until the last day. My future show producer Kelechi Ubozoh and I went Sunday afternoon and we missed all of the good stuff.
We missed the cool vendors, fabulous speakers and workshops on orgasms and sexual empowerment. We missed Gabrielle Anwar (actress for Burn Notice. I love Fiona!) and Catherine Oxenburg (Dynasty) give the 411 on their documentary Sexologly, which is scheduled to be released this summer. We missed Naomi Wolf’s presentation “Power, Sex and The Feminine.” We’re extra bummed we missed OneTaste Foundation co-founder and director Ulysses Slaughter’s talk on “Journey into Orgasmic Reconciliation.” We missed partying with the 1,500 from around the world who came to the conference. We missed all of the good sh*t.

Just talking to people at the conference. I could tell a lot of them were enlightened. I met a brotha from South Carolina and he talked about how so many of us who grow up in the inner city and impoverished communities don’t fully understand sexuality and pleasure. And how our sexuality is so demeaned in media, both mainstream and the media our people produce. He felt he got a lot out of the conference.
A not so sharp photo of Gabrielle Anwar. She is so gorgeous in person. |
We did see something cool. We attended a press conference with Nicole Daedone, bestselling authors Steven Kotler and Neil Strauss, Gabrielle Anwar (Yay I got to see Fiona!) and Catherine Oxenburg. Catherine said something that really hit me. So much so it deserves a separate post. Unfortunately I didn’t have any questions to ask because I missed the whole damn conference. LOL And when Kelechi asked a question they referenced stuff we missed---LOL! If you’re a journalist, you understand why I think it’s funny.
Next year the conference is headed to LA. Kelechi and I will be ready and we’re ready for LaLa Land. We’re not missing a thing next year.
Ummm, so when is it happening?
My future show producer Kelechi and I at the end of the conference. |
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