Starting Your Dreams Later In Life and Embracing the Detour

Jenee Darden speaking at Creative Mornings I know it's been a while since I've posted anything but that's because of my job. I'm working as a reporter covering Oakland and I host an arts segment on the radio where I get to interview amazing artists from around the Bay Area. Plus I'm publicizing my book  and building my speaking career!  You know what's funny? I thought this would all happen by the time I was 27-30.  Nope. That wasn't God's plan for me. I'm finally beginning to do the things I've wanted to do and I'm almost 40 years old. Some people reading this who are 40 will say 40 is still young. But some younger people reading may think 40 is nearly ancient. But I'm writing this post for those who like me, thought their career and personal dreams would come true much early in life. I'm here to tell you not to give up.  You know, death inspires life. A number of my relatives and friends have passed away, ranging in ...

I'm Ready for the Heene's to Float Away from the Headlines

It's time to burst Richard "Hot Mess on a Platter Father of the Year" Heene's balloon and move on. This story has gotten far too much attention. The world was duped, hoodwinked, bamboozled. We didn't land on the helium balloon, the helium balloon landed on us. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Now I'm over it. I don't want to hear about the 911 calls, their acting school days where they obviously didn't learn jack, weather chasing or "Wife Swap." ENOUGH! There are other pressing things going on in the world besides these fools. Heene and his wife Mayumi need to pay back every tax penny wasted on this hoax. And they should serve jail time for abusing the time of the military, police and rescue workers who were going to risk their lives to save the boy we thought was in the balloon. But the greatest punishment for the attention phene Heene's is to shut the cameras off on them. They don't deserve anymore airtime because is what they wanted in the first place--fame. Just turn the cameras back on when Richard and Mayumi float away to prison in orange jumpsuits. While we're at it, fade to black on the Gosselin's too.
